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is Nintendo DS will release the 3D version?

Nintendo DS will release the 3D version?
A shocking news comes from producers famous Japanese game console, Nintendo. A burst of issues if they will develop the Nintendo 3DS toy device.
Seyangnya, a more detailed news about the Nintendo 3DS, including rare. But recent information reported SlashGear, mention this portable game console will be present on october 2010.
But the question is adaalah, whether this release date is October for a global release or just a Japanese release right? Up to now unclear. But, many game lovers who say do not believe Nintendo will 3DS diririlis October 2010.

Because, if it were true gadgets released October 2010 in Japan, meaning the United States and European release in early 2011. In fact, if arriving early I am sure Nintendo 3DS this will become very popular as Christmas gifts.
Nintendo 3DS itself is a gaming device with the technology embedded 3D (three dimensional) that can be played without special glasses.
Console Nintendo DS is the latest series which will be on display at the E3 exhibition international games to be held in June. (Okezone / SlashGear)

the PS3 Convinced Could Beat Sony Nintendo Wii

the PS3 Convinced Could Beat Sony Nintendo Wii
Efforts Sony PlayStation 3 (PS3) penetrate the market dominance of Nintendo's Wii in the United States (U.S.) is pretty solid. By issuing Anyar game entitled God of War III since eight months ago, this Japanese company was able to increase sales by 44 percent until March 2010.

However, according to data from NPD Group Inc. market research. in New York, based on the number of units sold in the U.S., the PS3 is still below the position of Nintendo's Wii and Microsoft Xbox. PS3 sold over 313 900 units. While Wii sold 557 500 units, down 7.2 percent over the same period last year. The sales of Xbox as much as 338 400 units, up 2.5 percent compared to last year.
Another powerful weapon for the pursuit of its competitors are Sony E3 technologies. Namely the combination of 3D gaming to the control of body movements. This technology will be released in August 2010 and will compete with technology from Nintendo and Vitality sensor motion-sensing technology natal of the Xbox. (Compass)

Game Console: Uzebox - Atmel AVR based Game Console

Game Console: Uzebox - Atmel AVR based Game Console
video about : Atmel AVR based Game Console

the Murderer of Game Console will Launched in June

the Murderer of Game Console will Launched in June
An online gaming service which aims to "kill" the traditional console games will start appearing in the upcoming streaming on the Internet in June in the United States (U.S.).
OnLive, which started since 2009 heralded it, announce details of its services on GamesBeat Conference.
They promise 'games on demand' which is always ready to play them online without needing to download for hours or buying games in stores.
"OnLive solve the circle game console. We do not need new hardware," said Steve Perlman, founder of the company.
Operating officer, Mike McGarvey, further asserted, "We move your expenses from hardware to software. We offer new styles and is building a network infrastructure that will last for 30 years, not just five years."

Destructive Order
OnLive still under construction for eight years and will be available starting next June 17.
The company said it will send an online game to a personal computer, laptop, or television and can display high-quality games on low-tech device.
OnLive rely on technology compresses video so that when playing online feels like playing in a local device.
The fact is a data center located several thousand miles away to help alleviate the heavy connections.
Those who play using a television or personal computer will be connected to a broadband connection to the central system.
"This will greatly damage the company's game console and also not good for the retailer or vendor of the software," lamented Billy Pidgeon, gaming analyst with independent advice to the Bloomberg News quoted the BBC.
NPP research group (National Purchase Diary), a research institute in the U.S. market, reported last year sales of video games fell eight percent of 19.6 billion dollars or 13 billion euros.

Easy Results
OnLive say this is their response to changes in the behavior of gamers who tend to migrate to online games.
"There's a big shift from the pattern of 'download and play' to 'straight play' because the number of bite has no effect because it is consumed directly discharged immediately upon receipt," said Perlman.
Dean Takahashi of the page GamesBeat believe that success will not be obtained easily.
"It started going a little kid. One large tract that must be pursued by the company's games, but until at some point it will be a transition," he explained further.
Game lovers have to pay a monthly fee of 14.96 dollars to sign in and then buy or borrow the game over the Internet.
Beberpa available games is Assassin's Creed, Prince of Persia, and Borderlands.
But there is no definite date when OnLive will be available in other countries in the world.
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